یک نکته ای که اینجا نوشته این است که:مهم نیست که مرد هم پیش از سکس مست بوده یا نه در هر صورت شما متهم به تجاوز می شوید.
It does not matter whether you knew she was intoxicated, it doesn’t matter if you were intoxicated too, all that matters is that she was not in a state of mind to consent and therefore it is rape.
Just because a girl has had sex with you in the past does not mean she has consented to having sex with you whenever you want it. Forcing the issue could result in you being charged with rape.
باور کنید زمان درازی بود که چنین کس و شعری نخوانده بودم.برای اولین بار در طول عمرم دلم برای مرد های اروپایی سوخت.بیچاره ها پیش از سکس باید حساب هزار جا را بکنند تا مبادا به زندان نیوفتند.