به نگر میاید در UK ریشهیِ فمینیسم دارد کنده میشود.
زنان و مردان انگلیسی خواهان برابری میان دوجنس هستند, ولی خود را "فمینیست" نمینامند:
Has become a dirty word?
نخست وزیر انگلیس (David Cameron) هم خود را "فمینیست" نمینامد:
In an interview last week, David Cameron refused to describe himself as a feminist, whilst simultaneously stating his belief that men and women should be treated equally. In a subsequent interview for Channel 4 News he clarified his position “if that means equal rights for women, then yes”. The confusion exposed ambiguities in the term, but also hinted at wider issues in the public perception of "feminism".