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    جُستار: Write on how you perceive other forum members

    1. #21
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Ouroboros نمایش پست ها
      Well? Aren't you boyo? I sometimes think there is lizard sitting on the other side of the screen, waiting, planing, reasoning.. Your new avatar doesn't help either, I mean sure Hitchens was a genius and all, but he also was such a bloody arsehole that if you pushed hard enough crap would have come out of eyes..!
      Seriously though, I'm far too honest for a topic like that

      Come on Amir,
      Hitchens avator is there just to show respect for his AntiIslamic position,I am not such a thin skin

      Ouroboros این را پسندید.

      "Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews,'" Ezra Pound

    2. 3 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Russell گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (10-09-2012),Mehrbod (10-09-2012),sonixax (10-09-2012)

    3. #22
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Russell نمایش پست ها
      I am not such a thin skin
      Not at all mate, whatever that is.. I'm just busting your chops.. You're cool

      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Mehrbod نمایش پست ها
      But I'm saying the same thing, how am I busted?

      Since "the damage is done" as Russell put it, how about now you give us some new cold-hearted insights into the matter, Amir?
      But why Mehrbod? why would you choose to put yourself at the mercy of my sword, when you have your whole life ahead of you?

      You're obviously very smart, and had a good education, but that aside I see you as someone who never wants to disappoint or displease anybody, and tries his best to be kind to them. This over the top "niceness" could be a direct result of living in Canada. Something that if true, would mean you're not half an Iranian you would like to be, because the main trait of our great nation is extreme jerkiness! You don't seem to be pretentious or shallow, which is truly rare among Iranians living in that part of the world, But there is a nauseating air of nobility around you, I'm guessing old money? You're an optimist to the point of "naïveté", That's not good, things almost never work out for the best in the real world. This optimism is a bit contradictory too, because you seem to be interested in History, and nothing good ever happened there(It's the documentation of human failure).. Is that enough, or you want some more?

      ویرایش از سوی Ouroboros : 10-12-2012 در ساعت 05:20 PM
      زنده باد زندگی!

    4. 5 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Ouroboros گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (10-09-2012),Fiona (03-01-2013),Mehrbod (10-09-2012),Russell (10-09-2012),sonixax (10-09-2012)

    5. #23
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Ouroboros نمایش پست ها

      Not at all mate, whatever that is.. I'm just busting your chops.. You're cool

      But I'm saying the same thing, how am I busted?

      Then guilty as charged :)

      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Ouroboros نمایش پست ها

      But why Mehrbod? why would you choose to put yourself at the mercy of my sword, when you have your whole life ahead of you?

      You're obviously very smart, and had a good education, but that aside I see you as someone who never wants to disappoint or displease anybody, and tries his best to be kind to them. This over the top "niceness" could be a direct result of living in Canada. Something that if true, would mean you're not half an Iranian you would like to be, because the main trait of our great nation is extreme jerkiness! You don't seem to be pretentious or shallow, which is truly rare among Iranians living in that part of the world, But there is nauseating air of nobility around you, I'm guessing old money? You're an optimist to the point of "naïveté", That's not good, things almost never work out for the best in the real world. This optimism is a bit contradictory too, because you seem to be interested in History, and nothing good ever happened there(It's the documentation of human failure).. Is that enough, or you want some more?

      Firstly, yeah I would like some more analysis, why the hell not? Especially now that things are heating up around here and good stuff would
      come out

      However you made some good points, and some misunderstandings are clearly spelt out by now, such as this untrue "extra niceness" of mine!

      Our friends like Russell and Anarchy could be witnesses to that. I can easily be a total jerk, as it's been shown numerous times on other places and other forums (hammihan). But since I have a [personal] pretty sharp line between my ally and my foe, and since almost all members here are my allies, then naturally I would be extra nice toward them.

      Even though... it wasn't always the case, you could check out some old topics and see rather harsh discussions between sonixax and I about programming stuff for instance, but over time we became allies and found common ground.

      And on that "nobility", you are definitely right! I don't like hereditary nobility at all, but there are such things as intellectualism and rationalism, and one who can be considered an epistemic rationalist, does definitely belong to a different social class! I wouldn't consider the same person with someone who hasn't got a clue on what the two even mean.

      Optimism is also kind of true, but that's a conscious choice. I 'believe' that if you look at things nicely and expect good from your environment, then good things happen as well.
      It's sort of similar to Hypochondriasis, like those medical students who become obsessed with an illness, and after a while its physical symptoms start to appear as well.

      ویرایش از سوی Mehrbod : 10-12-2012 در ساعت 04:25 PM

      Sticky بجای وادادن در برابر واقعیت تلخ، بهتر است آدمی بكوشد كه واقعیت را بسود خود دگرگون كند و اگر بتواند حتی یك واژه ی تازی را هم از زبان شیرین مادری خود بیرون بیندازد بهتر از این است كه بگوید چه كنم ! ناراحتم! ولی همچنان در گنداب بماند و دیگران را هم به ماندن در گنداب گول بزند!!

      —مزدک بامداد

    6. 4 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Mehrbod گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (10-12-2012),Ouroboros (10-12-2012),Russell (10-12-2012),sonixax (10-12-2012)

    7. #24
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      Well you certainly took your time, I was starting to think you've been offended or something.. It's not just your activities here that made me think you're a nice guy, It's rather exactly the way you get mad and and then verbally attack someone-else. It's so cute that if people weren't already talking about us, I would have kissed ya! I know what happens in hamihan, the other guy pokes you a hundred times with a razor-sharp blade , you poke back once with a wooden stick..

      And I've read your discussions with sonixax about programming, I think they ought to be the most ridiculous disagreement in this forums, ever.. I mean that was some gay sh*t man, bunch of noobs bitch-slapping each other over who's got the biggest "mouse".. but if you really think that pissing contest with sonixax was in any way "mean", what other proof do I need to present for my argument?

      You should be a jerk and start crazy fights with everyone, not trying your best avoid them, life's no fun without a good fight every couple of days, this new topic about "Parsi vs. Farsi" is the third time I tried to get a rise out of you, but well, surprise, surprise! It's not working.. My philosophy in life is if someone comes after you with a blade, take it away and shove in up in where it really hurts, or as our good friend insanity wolf once said "someone hates you with no good reason? give that motherfu*ker a reason

      Nobility's not good mate, It's never productive, the only thing you could achieve with it is building a much stronger and higher level of resistance in your rivals, you also might loose the chance of getting to know some very interesting folks..

      Now you give us some of that old wisdom, O dear Mehrbod
      زنده باد زندگی!

    8. 4 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Ouroboros گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (10-12-2012),Mehrbod (10-12-2012),Russell (10-12-2012),sonixax (10-12-2012)

    9. #25
      نویسنده سوم
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      Amir, I knew you were a homo!

    10. 4 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Unknown گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (10-12-2012),Mehrbod (10-12-2012),Russell (10-12-2012),sonixax (10-12-2012)

    11. #26
      دفترچه نویس
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Ouroboros نمایش پست ها
      Well you certainly took your time, I was starting to think you've been offended or something.. It's not just your activities here that made me think you're a nice guy, It's rather exactly the way you get mad and and then verbally attack someone-else. It's so cute that if people weren't already talking about us, I would have kissed ya! I know what happens in hamihan, the other guy pokes you a hundred times with a razor-sharp blade , you poke back once with a wooden stick..

      And I've read your discussions with sonixax about programming, I think they ought to be the most ridiculous disagreement in this forums, ever.. I mean that was some gay sh*t man, bunch of noobs bitch-slapping each other over who's got the biggest "mouse".. but if you really think that pissing contest with sonixax was in any way "mean", what other proof do I need to present for my argument?

      You should be a jerk and start crazy fights with everyone, not trying your best avoid them, life's no fun without a good fight every couple of days, this new topic about "Parsi vs. Farsi" is the third time I tried to get a rise out of you, but well, surprise, surprise! It's not working.. My philosophy in life is if someone comes after you with a blade, take it away and shove in up in where it really hurts, or as our good friend insanity wolf once said "someone hates you with no good reason? give that motherfu*ker a reason

      Nobility's not good mate, It's never productive, the only thing you could achieve with it is building a much stronger and higher level of resistance in your rivals, you also might loose the chance of getting to know some very interesting folks..

      Now you give us some of that old wisdom, O dear Mehrbod

      Oh pleeaaaaase Amir, if we were supposed to get offended that easily, how could we even make it this far, with all these stupid Muslims out there? no way.

      Anyhow, I could agree with you on the noobness of those programming discussions, but I think you missed the whole point. The way I saw that thread was someone (Russell) asking for a good programming language and consequently, a problem is defined: Finding a superior yet easy to learn programming language.

      What I didn't like at all was the way the problem was approached, it was illogical and disappointing.
      I like us to be smarter than that, so I tried to point out the problems in the logic, but apparently no one got the point.

      I believe that it really gives us an edge to have an out-of-the-box mentality, in order to be successful in our quest: Getting rid of Islam once and for all.

      That's what I was shooting for, otherwise I wouldn't care the least what programming language is superior.

      And back to our "Parsi vs. Farsi" discussion, it simply comes down to whether you wanna win, or you wanna win the argument :)
      You really need to give me a break in there, by explaining exactly why in hell should I be even slightly upset about the discussion, when almost everyone's agreeing with me!?

      And the funny part, we have this kind-hearted and lovely Alice on one side of the argument, WHO IS already writing in PURE PERSIAN! Are You Kidding ME!? I'm already in total agreement with whatever she says, as long as she keeps that beautiful writing of hers!!

      And then we've got you, who has taken a rather keen interest in Parsi lately... So yeah, I'm definitely gonna make you hate it for some inane argument over something as abstract as my character!

      I mean really, I couldn't be happier about the whole thing when our new friend Unknown, came and gave us his support and insight into the matter, or when Russell, who almost always gets the point and whom I've been silently watching over to see some action, finally, brings up some positive opinion about it! And let's not forget about almost every other member who supported along the way!

      If all it takes for energizing such talks, is me losing some argument so be it! I'd even gladly help you out with that!

      And about that wisdom... I don't think so, I'm too young for that.

      Russell این را پسندید.

      Sticky بجای وادادن در برابر واقعیت تلخ، بهتر است آدمی بكوشد كه واقعیت را بسود خود دگرگون كند و اگر بتواند حتی یك واژه ی تازی را هم از زبان شیرین مادری خود بیرون بیندازد بهتر از این است كه بگوید چه كنم ! ناراحتم! ولی همچنان در گنداب بماند و دیگران را هم به ماندن در گنداب گول بزند!!

      —مزدک بامداد

    12. 3 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Mehrbod گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (10-12-2012),Russell (10-12-2012),sonixax (10-12-2012)

    13. #27
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Unknown نمایش پست ها
      Amir, I knew you were a homo!
      Am I now? But your girlfriend was humming a different song last night mate
      Unknown این را پسندید.
      زنده باد زندگی!

    14. 4 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Ouroboros گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (10-13-2012),Mehrbod (10-12-2012),Russell (10-12-2012),sonixax (10-12-2012)

    15. #28
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Unknown نمایش پست ها
      Amir, I knew you were a homo!
      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Ouroboros نمایش پست ها
      Am I now? But your girlfriend was humming a different song last night mate
      Mehrbod and Nevermore like this.

      "Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews,'" Ezra Pound

    16. 2 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Russell گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (10-13-2012),sonixax (10-12-2012)

    17. #29
      دفترچه نویس
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Mehrbod نمایش پست ها
      And about that wisdom... I don't think so, I'm too young for that.
      First of all, Nobody is "that" rational, but if you truly are like that, well, good for you. It's a whole different deal if you don't get upset at all, I was under the impression that you restrain yourself... And secondly, OK, don't use any wisdom then, do it with something else, just do it man.. Don't leave the guys hanging any longer
      زنده باد زندگی!

    18. 4 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Ouroboros گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (10-13-2012),Mehrbod (10-12-2012),Russell (10-12-2012),sonixax (10-12-2012)

    19. #30
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی Russell نمایش پست ها
      Just a friendly discussion among friends, no need to freak out or become a ghost dear Russell
      زنده باد زندگی!

    20. 5 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Ouroboros گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (10-13-2012),Fiona (03-01-2013),Mehrbod (10-12-2012),Russell (10-12-2012),sonixax (10-12-2012)

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