ما چیزی به نام همجنسبازی از نظر علمی نداریم سارا جان...اینکه افرادی خارج از گرایش اصلی جنسیشون هم بخوان سکس با همجنس داشته باشن باز جزیی از آزادی جنسی افراد هست...ما نمیتونیم باهاشون برخورد کنیم چون خوشمون نمیاد!!! دلایل این کار هم میتونه متفاوت باشه و بیشتر هم در مردان هست...ضمنا همجنسگرایی یک مشکل هورمونی یا ژنتیکی نیست...بلکه یکی از انواع گرایش های جنسی افراد و کاملا طبیعی هست...
چیزی که ما در موردش صحبت میکردیم حقوق همجنسگرایان هست...Why Would Straight Men Have Sex with Other Men?
There are a number of reasons why straight men might have sex with other men. These reasons range from situational homosexuality to sexual addiction. In general, SMSM behavior is about physical release and sexual behaviors, not about attraction or desire for another man. The attraction is toward the act or the body (or body parts) of the male not the other man himself.
Straight men who have sex with other men often have high sex drives and are easily aroused sexually. They may seek out connections with men for a quick and easy sexual release in which they are not required to engage emotionally or to risk their identity as a heterosexual man.
Some SMSM might be described as "Hetero-Emotional and Homo-Sexual." These are men who are romantically attracted to the opposite sex but whose predominant sexual arousal is by other men. They are usually heterosexually married and in love with their wives, but nevertheless feel sexually driven by a need to have sex with other men.Other SMSM are socially phobic and have inadequate skills necessary to flirt with and connect to women. They may have such extreme anxiety that they find their sexual release with other men due to the ease and lack of social skills necessary to have a sexual hook-up through the Internet, rest areas, parks, and other places men cruise for sex with other men.
Usually, SMSM are turned off and left cold by images of naked men. Instead, they are sexually aroused by and attracted to women. Hence, their interaction with men is typically less about sexual desire for their partners than a desire to experiment or fulfill particular sexual fantasies, including fetish interests.They may be strongly compelled and interested in various sexual experiences that may be labeled as homosexual (such as an interest in anal intercourse, especially if they desire to be penetrated, or fellatio). To fulfill these interests, they may seek out gay men, whom they perceive as less judgmental than women and more open to sexual experimentation without commitment.Some SMSM may want to bond with and need affection from other men and find that they can achieve this through sexual interaction with other men. Some heterosexual men who feel that they did not receive sufficient affection and attention from their fathers seek sex with men as a way of finding male nurturance and acceptance. These men may prefer that the bonding remain nonsexual but cannot obtain intimacy except through sexual relations.Some SMSM are narcissists who have a constant need for attention and acceptance. These men use sexuality with other men as a means of fulfilling their need to be adored and admired.Some suffer from a form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in which the individual is preoccupied with the possibility that he might be homosexual. These men feel compelled to engage in certain behaviors that make them think that they are gay when in truth they are straight. They find no pleasure in sexual contact with men, but nevertheless are driven to participate in homosexual relations.Some SMSM are acting out early childhood sexual abuse. If a basically heterosexual boy has been molested by a male relative, when he grows up, he may keep "returning to the scene of the crime" to defuse and desensitize his emotional pain. These heterosexual men are not homosexually oriented and their homosexual behavior has nothing to do with their sexual and romantic identities.Other SMSM are sexually addicted and are looking for new ways to add to their sexual shame, excitement, and thrill. They compulsively act out with other men as a result of sexual addiction.Finally, some SMSM enjoy fantasies of--or the reality of--their wives and girlfriends having sex with other men either in front of them, nearby, or with their knowledge about when and where it occurs. They are often sexually aroused by feeling humiliated that their wives or girlfriends are being pleased by another male whom they see as more potent and better endowed.Other men enjoy being sexual with other men's wives in front of the cuckold husband or at least with his knowledge. Sometimes they engage in sexual behavior with the man but only in the presence of the wife or girlfriend.
mamad1 (11-10-2012),Russell (11-08-2012),sara (11-08-2012),sonixax (11-08-2012),undead_knight (11-08-2012)
اختلال در هورمون می تواند یکی از عوامل باشد .. یک فرد در شرایط و وضعیت عادی برای ارضای نیاز جنسی از راه طبیعی آن عمل می کند و اینکه فرد با وجود داشتن شرایط مساعد برای رابطه ای طبیعی به رابطه ای غیر طبیعی تن می دهند مطمئنا ناشی از مشکلات روانی و هورمونی و شاید مشکلات و اختلالات ژنتیکی در فرد باشد ..
آری چندتایی از دوستان من (یکی از نزدیکها) همجنسگرا هستند و اینکه بر پاد میلاد چرا، رفتارشان هم اندکی میدگرد و آدمهای نرمخو و روی هم رفته خوبی هستند.
اینور آب که دشواریای ندارد، ولی ایرانُ نمیدانم.
دیدگاه من چیز ویژهای ندارد، همجنسگرا هستند دیگر. اگر این اندازه سر سدا نشود واپسین چیزی است که آدم بخواهد روی آن فکر کند!
بجای وادادن در برابر واقعیت تلخ، بهتر است آدمی بكوشد كه واقعیت را بسود خود دگرگون كند و اگر بتواند حتی یك واژه ی تازی را هم از زبان شیرین مادری خود بیرون بیندازد بهتر از این است كه بگوید چه كنم ! ناراحتم! ولی همچنان در گنداب بماند و دیگران را هم به ماندن در گنداب گول بزند!!
—مزدک بامداد
آنارشی عزیز ! من هم به همین دارم اشاره می کنم ... وقتی در مورد چیزی و حقوقش صحبت می کنیم اول باید برای قایل شدن حقوق اجتماعی و ... ، حقانیت موضوع ثابت شده باشه ... در ضمن از دیدگاه خداباورانه و یا مدهب هم به اون نگاه نمی کنم و فقط روند طبیعی این رابطه و این که عملی است خلاف روند طبیعت به اون نگاه می کنم ..
علاوه بر اینکه همنجنسگرایی طبیعیست (هنوز حتی درست نمیدانند چطور یکفرد همجنسگرا یا دگرجنسگرا میشود و علاوه بر محیط و ژن گویا شانس هم میتواند مطرح باشد)،پدیده های طبیعی حتما لازم نیست مانند تولید مثل با جنس دیگر کارکرد فرگشتی داشته باشند،مثلا کودک انسان هم بطور طبیعی شصت خود را میمکد ولی این محصول جانبی گرایش فرگشتی به مکیدن پستان مادر است یا اصلا میشود که هیچ یک از ایندو نباشد ولی باز هم طبیعی محسوب شود.
از همه مهمتر در اخلاق طبیعی برابر با اخلاقی نیست لزوما،شیری که یک بچه آهو را میدرد هم کاملا طبیعی رفتار میکند.
"Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews,'" —Ezra Pound
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