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    جُستار: نگرشی پیرامون جنس ''زن''

    1. #191
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      یک بخش از کتاب "لوح سفید" درباره تفاوت جنسیت:

      Sex differences are not an arbitrary feature of Western culture, like the decision to drive on the left or
      on the right. In all human cultures, men and women are seen as having different natures. All cultures
      divide their labor by sex, with more responsibility for childrearing by women and more control of the
      public and political realms by men. (The division of labor emerged even in a culture where everyone
      had been committed to stamping it out, the Israeli kibbutz.) In all cultures men are more aggressive,
      more prone to stealing, more prone to lethal violence (including war), and more likely to woo, seduce,
      and trade favors for sex. And in all cultures one finds rape, as well as proscriptions against rape.37
      • Many of the psychological differences between the sexes are exactly what an evolutionary biologist
      who knew only their physical differences would predict.38 Throughout the animal kingdom, when the
      female has to invest more calories and risk in each offspring (in the case of mammals, through
      pregnancy and nursing), she also invests more in nurturing the offspring after birth, since it is more
      costly for a female to replace a child than for a male to replace one. The difference in investment is
      accompanied by a greater competition among males over opportunities to mate, since mating with
      many partners is more likely to multiply the number of offspring of a male than the number of
      offspring of a female. When the average male is larger than the average female (as is true of men and
      women), it bespeaks an evolutionary history of greater violent competition by males over mating
      opportunities. Other physical traits of men, such as later puberty, greater adult strength, and shorter
      lives, also indicate a history of selection for high-stakes competition.
      • Many of the sex differences are found widely in other primates, indeed, throughout the mammalian
      class.39 The males tend to compete more aggressively and to be more polygamous; the females tend to
      invest more in {347} parenting. In many mammals a greater territorial range is accompanied by an
      enhanced ability to navigate using the geometry of the spatial layout (as opposed to remembering
      individual landmarks). More often it is the male who has the greater range, and that is true of human
      hunter-gatherers. Men's advantage in using mental maps and performing 3-D mental rotation may not
      be a coincidence.40
      • Geneticists have found that the diversity of the DNA in the mitochondria of different people (which
      men and women inherit from their mothers) is far greater than the diversity of the DNA in Y
      chromosomes (which men inherit from their fathers). This suggests that for tens of millennia men had
      greater variation in their reproductive success than women. Some men had many descendants and
      others had none (leaving us with a small number of distinct Y chromosomes), whereas a larger number
      of women had a more evenly distributed number of descendants (leaving us with a larger number of
      distinct mitochondrial genomes). These are precisely the conditions that cause sexual selection, in
      which males compete for opportunities to mate and females choose the best-quality males.41
      • The human body contains a mechanism that causes the brains of boys and the brains of girls to
      diverge during development.42 The Y chromosome triggers the growth of testes in a male fetus, which
      secrete androgens, the characteristically male hormones (including testosterone). Androgens have
      lasting effects on the brain during fetal development, in the months after birth, and during puberty, and
      they have transient effects at other times. Estrogens, the characteristically female sex hormones, also
      affect the brain throughout life. Receptors for the sex hormones are found in the hypothalamus, the
      hippocampus, and the amygdala in the limbic system of the brain, as well as in the cerebral cortex.
      • The brains of men differ visibly from the brains of women in several ways.43 Men have larger brains
      with more neurons (even correcting for body size), though women have a higher percentage of gray
      matter. (Since men and women are equally intelligent overall, the significance of these differences is
      unknown.) The interstitial nuclei in the anterior hypothalamus, and a nucleus of the stria terminalis,
      also in the hypothalamus, are larger in men; they have been implicated in sexual behavior and
      aggression. Portions of the cerebral commissures, which link the left and right hemispheres, appear to
      be larger in women, and their brains may function in a less lopsided manner than men's. Learning and
      socialization can affect the microstructure and functioning of the human brain, of course, but probably
      not the size of its visible anatomical structures.
      • Variation in the level of testosterone among different men, and in the same man in different seasons
      or at different times of day, correlates with libido, self-confidence, and the drive for dominance.44
      Violent criminals {348} have higher levels than nonviolent criminals; trial lawyers have higher levels
      than those who push paper. The relations are complicated for a number of reasons. Over a broad range
      of values, the concentration of testosterone in the bloodstream doesn't matter. Some traits, such as
      spatial abilities, peak at moderate rather than high levels. The effects of testosterone depend on the
      number and distribution of receptors for the molecule, not just on its concentration. And one's
      psychological state can affect testosterone levels as well as the other way around. But there is a causal
      relation, albeit a complicated one. When women preparing for a sex-change operation are given
      androgens, they improve on tests of mental rotation and get worse on tests of verbal fluency. The
      journalist Andrew Sullivan, whose medical condition had lowered his testosterone levels, describes the
      effects of injecting it: “The rush of a T shot is not unlike the rush of going on a first date or speaking
      before an audience. I feel braced. After one injection, I almost got in a public brawl for the first time in
      my life. There is always a lust peak — every time it takes me unaware.”45 Though testosterone levels in
      men and women do not overlap, variations in level have similar kinds of effects in the two sexes. Hightestosterone
      women smile less often and have more extramarital affairs, a stronger social presence, and
      even a stronger handshake.
      • Women's cognitive strengths and weaknesses vary with the phase of their menstrual cycle.46 When
      estrogen levels are high, women get even better at tasks on which they typically do better than men,
      such as verbal fluency. When the levels are low, women get better at tasks on which men typically do
      better, such as mental rotation. A variety of sexual motives, including their taste in men, vary with the
      menstrual cycle as well.47
      • Androgens have permanent effects on the developing brain, not just transient effects on the adult
      brain.48 Girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia overproduce androstenedione, the androgen hormone
      made famous by the baseball slugger Mark McGwire. Though their hormone levels are brought to
      normal soon after birth, the girls grow into tomboys, with more rough-and-tumble play, a greater
      interest in trucks than dolls, better spatial abilities, and, when they get older, more sexual fantasies and
      attractions involving other girls. Those who are treated with hormones only later in childhood show
      male patterns of sexuality when they become young adults, including quick arousal by pornographic
      images, an autonomous sex drive centered on genital stimulation, and the equivalent of wet dreams.49
      • The ultimate fantasy experiment to separate biology from socialization would be to take a baby boy,
      give him a sex-change operation, and have his parents raise him as a girl and other people treat him as
      one. If gender is socially constructed, the child should have the mind of a normal girl; if it {349}
      depends on prenatal hormones, the child should feel like a boy trapped in a girl's body. Remarkably,
      the experiment has been done in real life — not out of scientific curiosity, of course, but as a result of
      disease and accidents. One study looked at twenty-five boys who were born without a penis (a birth
      defect known as cloacal exstrophy) and who were then castrated and raised as girls. All of them
      showed male patterns of rough-and-tumble play and had typically male attitudes and interests. More
      than half of them spontaneously declared they were boys, one when he was just five years old.50
      In a famous case study, an eight-month-old boy lost his penis in a botched circumcision (not by a
      mohel, I was relieved to learn, but by a bungling doctor). His parents consulted the famous sex
      researcher John Money, who had maintained that “Nature is a political strategy of those committed to
      maintaining the status quo of sex differences.” He advised them to let the doctors castrate the baby and
      build him an artificial vagina, and they raised him as a girl without telling him what had happened.51 I
      learned about the case as an undergraduate in the 1970s, when it was offered as proof that babies are
      born neuter and acquire a gender from the way they are raised. A New York Times article from the era
      reported that Brenda (nee Bruce) “has been sailing contentedly through childhood as a genuine girl.”52
      The facts were suppressed until 1997, when it was revealed that from a young age Brenda felt she was
      a boy trapped in a girl's body and gender role.53 She ripped off frilly dresses, rejected dolls in favor of
      guns, preferred to play with boys, and even insisted on urinating standing up. At fourteen she was so
      miserable that she decided either to live her life as a male or to end it, and her father finally told her the
      truth. She underwent a new set of operations, assumed a male identity, and today is happily married to
      a woman.
      Children with Turner's syndrome are genetically neuter. They have a single X chromosome, inherited
      from either their mother or their father, instead of the usual two X chromosomes of a girl (one from her
      mother, the other from her father) or the X and Y of a boy (the X from his mother, the Y from his
      father). Since a female body plan is the default among mammals, they look and act like girls.
      Geneticists have discovered that parents’ bodies can molecularly imprint genes on the X chromosome
      so they become more or less active in the developing bodies and brains of their children. A Turner's
      syndrome girl who gets her X chromosome from her father may have genes that are evolutionarily
      optimized for girls (since a paternal X always ends up in a daughter). A Turner's girl who gets her X
      from her mother may have genes that are evolutionarily optimized for boys (since a maternal X, though
      it can end up in either sex, will act unopposed only in a son, who has no counterpart to the X genes on
      his puny {350} Y chromosome). And in fact Turner's girls do differ psychologically depending on
      which parent gave them their X. The ones with an X from their father (which is destined for a girl)
      were better at interpreting body language, reading emotions, recognizing faces, handling words, and
      getting along with other people compared to the ones with an X from their mother (which is fully
      active only in a boy).54
      • Contrary to popular belief, parents in contemporary America do not treat their sons and daughters
      very differently.55 A recent assessment of 172 studies involving 28,000 children found that boys and
      girls are given similar amounts of encouragement, warmth, nurturance, restrictiveness, discipline, and
      clarity of communication. The only substantial difference was that about two-thirds of the boys were
      discouraged from playing with dolls, especially by their fathers, out of a fear that they would become
      gay. (Boys who prefer girls’ toys often do turn out gay, but forbidding them the toys does not change
      the outcome.) Nor do differences between boys and girls depend on their observing masculine behavior
      in their fathers and feminine behavior in their mothers. When Hunter has two mommies, he acts just as
      much like a boy as if he had a mommy and a daddy

      "Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews,'" Ezra Pound

    2. 4 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Russell گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (09-27-2012),Mehrbod (09-27-2012),shirin (09-27-2012),sonixax (09-27-2012)

    3. #192
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      راسل عزیز کتاب لوح سفید اصلا منبع معتبر و قابل اطمینانی برای اثبات ژنتیکی بودن تمایل بیشتر مردان به سکس نیست. هر چند فکر نکنم حتی تو این کتاب هم چنین ادعایی کرده باشه. فقط گفته بعضی تفاوتهای زن و مرد ژنتیکی هست. و انسان یه لوح کاملا سفید نیست بلکه ژنتیک هم علاوه بر محیط در زندگیش تاثیر گذار هست.

    4. 3 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از shirin گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (09-27-2012),Russell (09-27-2012),sonixax (09-27-2012)

    5. #193
      دفترچه نویس
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      به تحقیق جالبی برخوردم که طبق آن نابرابری جنسیتی، تفاوتهای میان نر و ماده را تشدید می‌کند!

      Zentner and Mitura had 3,177 respondents complete an online mate preference survey from 10 countries ranking from a low (Finland) to a high (Turkey) gender gap in terms of the Global Gender Gap Index (GGI) – a measure that was recently introduced by World Economic Forum to iron out shortcomings of earlier gender parity measures. The participants were asked in their native language whether certain criteria – such as as financial prospects and being a good cook – were important considerations when choosing a mate.
      They found that the gender difference in mate preferences predicted by evolutionary psychology models "is highest in gender-unequal societies, and smallest in the most gender-equal societies," according to Zentner.
      These results were confirmed in a second study based on mate preferences reported by 8,953 volunteers from 31 nations. Again, Zentner and Mitura found that there were fewer differences between men and women's preferences in more gender-equal nations compared to less gender-equal nations.
      Because increasing gender equality reduces gender differences in mate selection, these studies indicate that the strategies men and women use to choose mates may not be as hardwired as scientists originally thought.
      "These findings challenge the idea proposed by some evolutionary psychologists that gender differences in mate-preferences are determined by evolved adaptations that became biologically embedded in the male and female brain," says Zentner. But he also adds evolutionary roots shouldn't be ruled out entirely.
      "Indeed, the capacity to change behaviors and attitudes relatively quickly in response to societal changes may itself be driven by an evolutionary program that rewards flexibility over rigidity."
      Russell این را پسندید.
      زنده باد زندگی!

    6. 4 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Ouroboros گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (09-27-2012),Russell (09-27-2012),shirin (09-27-2012),sonixax (09-27-2012)

    7. #194
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی shirin نمایش پست ها
      راسل عزیز کتاب لوح سفید اصلا منبع معتبر و قابل اطمینانی برای اثبات ژنتیکی بودن تمایل بیشتر مردان به سکس نیست.
      مقاله‌ای را در اینجا آپلود کردم که می‌توانید در صورت تمایل مطالعه بکنید، کم و بیش با بالاترین استانداردهای علمی موجود نوشته شده. ژنتیکی بودن این را هنوز نمی‌دانیم، اما مردان میل جنسی بیشتری نسبت به زنان دارند، بیشتر پیرامون آن فانتزی‌پردازی می‌کنند و به آن بیشتر از زنان می‌اندیشند.
      زنده باد زندگی!

    8. 5 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Ouroboros گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (09-27-2012),Mehrbod (09-27-2012),Russell (09-27-2012),shirin (09-27-2012),sonixax (09-27-2012)

    9. #195
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی shirin نمایش پست ها
      راسل عزیز کتاب لوح سفید اصلا منبع معتبر و قابل اطمینانی برای اثبات ژنتیکی بودن تمایل بیشتر مردان به سکس نیست. هر چند فکر نکنم حتی تو این کتاب هم چنین ادعایی کرده باشه. فقط گفته بعضی تفاوتهای زن و مرد ژنتیکی هست. و انسان یه لوح کاملا سفید نیست بلکه ژنتیک هم علاوه بر محیط در زندگیش تاثیر گذار هست.
      شیرین بانو نویسنده این کتاب Steven Pinker است،ایشان استاد روانشناسی دانشگاه هاروارد (از نظر حداقل اعتبار نظرات ایشان که بنده از جیبم در نیاورده ام این سخنان رو) و موضوع کل کتاب هم دروغ بودن این داستان "لوح سفید" است،عنوان کامل کتاب هست:لوح سفید:انکار مدرن طبیعت انسان،بخش نچندان کوچکی از کتاب هم پیرامون همین تفاوت است.
      البته کتاب ادعاهای مناقشه برانگیزی هم دارد،ولی در کل آنچه ما از هزینه نامتقارن در دو حنس و اثرات آن گفتیم چیزی قبول شده و عادی در بیولوژی و حتی روانشناسی فرگشتیست،حالا اینکه مکانیزم و اثرات و جزئیاتش چیست محل گفتگوست،همین امیر گرامی هم که مثلا مخالف است در بعضی مسائل در میزان و جزعیات بحث دارد وگرنه ادعاهایی که من در بحث مطرح کردم بسیار محافظه کارانه و مجکم هستند،همانطور که گفتیم این ادعا که همه تفاوتهای بین زن و مرد در اثر جامعه آن هم نوع مردسالار آن است از نظر داده های تجربی و علمی بی پایه است.
      Ouroboros این را پسندید.

      "Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews,'" Ezra Pound

    10. 3 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Russell گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (09-27-2012),Mehrbod (09-27-2012),sonixax (09-27-2012)

    11. #196
      سرنویسنده یکم
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      گفت‌آورد نوشته اصلی از سوی shirin نمایش پست ها
      در دین مبین اسلام دروغگویی به زنان برای به دست آوردن دلشان امر پسندیده ای محسوب میشود
      درسته که اسلام دینیه که دروغ در درازای تاریخش زیاد پیشینه داره و این برای یک دین که ادعای راست بودن و الهی بودن رو داره خیلی بده که به دروغ آلوده بشه. اما دروغ قبل از اسلام هم بوده.
      دروغ یک صفت انسانی منفی ست که تا جایی که من اطلاع دارم در تمام فرهنگ ها تقبیح شده ست. اما هممون حتی اگر خیلی هم راستگو باشیم کم و بیش ازش استفاده کردیم. چون اولا انسان هستیم و دوما واقعا بعضی کارها رو نمیشه بدون دروغ پیش برد
      انسان پیشرو با جامعه همخوانی ندارد هم آهنگی دارد

    12. 2 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Reactor گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Russell (09-27-2012),sonixax (09-27-2012)

    13. #197
      مدیر تالار
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      سر گیجه !!
      Anarchy آواتار ها
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      اون کیس معروفی که راسل گرامی گفتن البته با اندکی تفاوت داستان رو من میارم...آلت این فرد در هنگام ختنه کردن به طور ناخواسته از بین میره و بعد از اون تصمیم میگیرن با یک عمل جنسیتش رو هم تغییر بدن و بهش بگن از اول دختر بودی و حتی مدت ها تحت نظر روانپزشک هم بوده... در نهایت متوجه میشه و خودکشی میکنه!!

      David Reimer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      این هم مستند زندگیش

      در مورد تفاوت زن و مرد در میزان گرایش به سکس برای صرف لذت هم کم و بیش نظریه هایی داده شده....
      Sex Drive: How Do Men and Women Compare?

      1. Men think more about sex.

      The majority of adult men under 60 think about sex at least once a day, reports Laumann. Only about one-quarter of women report this level of frequency. As men and women age, each fantasize less, but men still fantasize about twice as often.

      In a comprehensive survey of studies comparing male and female sex drives, Roy Baumeister, a social psychologist at Florida State University, found that men reported more spontaneous sexual arousal and had more frequent and varied fantasies.

      2. Men seek sex more avidly.

      "Men want sex more often than women at the start of a relationship, in the middle of it, and after many years of it," Baumeister concludes after reviewing several surveys of men and women. This isn't just true of heterosexuals, he reports: gay men also have higher frequency of sex than lesbians at all stages of the relationship. Men also say they want more sex partners in their lifetime, and are more interested in casual sex.

      Men are more likely to seek sex even when it is frowned upon or even outlawed:

      About two-thirds say they masturbate, even though about half also say they feel guilty about it, Laumann says. By contrast, about 40% of women say they masturbate, and the frequency of masturbation is smaller among women.
      Prostitution is still mostly a phenomenon of men seeking sex with women, rather than the other way around.

      Nuns do a better job of fulfilling their vows of chastity than priests. Baumeister cites a survey of several hundred clergy by Sheila Murphy in which 62% of priests admitted to sexual activity, compared to 49% of nuns. The men reported more partners on average than the women

      3. Women's sexual inclinations are more complicated than men's.

      What turns women on? Not even women always seem to know. Northwestern University researcher Meredith Chivers and colleagues showed erotic films to gay and straight men and women. They asked them about their level of sexual arousal, and also measured their actual level of arousal through devices attached to their genitals.For men, the results were predictable: Straight men said they were more turned on by depictions of male-female sex and female-female sex, and the measuring devices backed up their claims. Gay men said they were turned on by male-male sex, and again the devices backed them up. For women, the results were more surprising. Straight women, for example, saidthey were more turned on by male-female sex. But genitally they showed about the same reaction to male-female, male-male, and female-female sex."Men are very rigid and specific about who they become aroused by, who they want to have sex with, who they fall in love with," says J. Michael Bailey, a Northwestern University sex researcher and co-author with Chivers on the study.By contrast, women may be more open to same-sex relationships thanks to their less-directed sex drives, Bailey says. "Women probably have the capacity to become sexually interested in and fall in love with their own sex more than men do," Bailey says. "They won't necessarily do it, but they have the capacity."Bailey's contention is backed up by studies showing that homosexuality is a more fluid state among women than men. In another broad review of studies, Baumeister found many more lesbians reported recent sex with men, when compared to gay men's reports of sex with women. Women were also more likely than men to call themselves bisexual, and to report their sexual orientation as a matter of choice.
      Why are women's sex drives seemingly weaker and more vulnerable to influence? Some have theorized it is related to the greater power of men in society, or differing sexual expectations of men when compared to women. Laumann prefers an explanation more closely tied to the world of sociobiology.Men have every incentive to have sex to pass along their genetic material, Laumann says. By contrast, women may be hard-wired to choose their partners carefully, because they are the ones who can get pregnant and wind up taking care of thebaby. They are likely to be more attuned to relationship quality because they want a partner who will stay around to take care of the child. They're also more likely to choose a man with resources because of his greater ability to support a child.

      این هم در مورد تفاوت شکل گیری جنسیت در زنان نسبت به مردان...از این جهت گذاشتم که بگم تفاوت دارن از نظرات مختلف و همه چیز هم تربیت و محیط نیست...

      Study Suggests Difference Between Female And Male Sexuality
      Does sexuality differ for men and women?

    14. 4 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Anarchy گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Mehrbod (09-27-2012),Rationalist (09-28-2012),Russell (09-27-2012),sonixax (09-27-2012)

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      آره آنارشی جان البته اون یک موردش هست گویا 25 مورد بوده سر جمع که عوامل مختلفی هم باعث نداشتن آلتشون هم بوده.در متن بالا که گذاشتم اومده کامل اون بخشش رو من مجدد میزارم،برای من که بشخصه خیلی جالب بود دونستن این موضوع،در واقع آزمایش واقعی و تعیین کننده در اثر جنسیت همونطور که گفته شده همین هست:

      The ultimate fantasy experiment to separate biology from socialization would be to take a baby boy,
      give him a sex-change operation, and have his parents raise him as a girl and other people treat him as
      one. If gender is socially constructed, the child should have the mind of a normal girl; if it {349}
      depends on prenatal hormones, the child should feel like a boy trapped in a girl's body. Remarkably,
      the experiment has been done in real life — not out of scientific curiosity, of course, but as a result of
      disease and accidents. One study looked at twenty-five boys who were born without a penis (a birth
      defect known as cloacal exstrophy) and who were then castrated and raised as girls. All of them
      showed male patterns of rough-and-tumble play and had typically male attitudes and interests. More
      than half of them spontaneously declared they were boys, one when he was just five years old.50
      In a famous case study, an eight-month-old boy lost his penis in a botched circumcision (not by a
      mohel, I was relieved to learn, but by a bungling doctor). His parents consulted the famous sex
      researcher John Money, who had maintained that “Nature is a political strategy of those committed to
      maintaining the status quo of sex differences.” He advised them to let the doctors castrate the baby and
      build him an artificial vagina, and they raised him as a girl without telling him what had happened.51 I
      learned about the case as an undergraduate in the 1970s, when it was offered as proof that babies are
      born neuter and acquire a gender from the way they are raised. A New York Times article from the era
      reported that Brenda (nee Bruce) “has been sailing contentedly through childhood as a genuine girl.”52
      The facts were suppressed until 1997, when it was revealed that from a young age Brenda felt she was
      a boy trapped in a girl's body and gender role.53 She ripped off frilly dresses, rejected dolls in favor of
      guns, preferred to play with boys, and even insisted on urinating standing up. At fourteen she was so
      miserable that she decided either to live her life as a male or to end it, and her father finally told her the
      truth. She underwent a new set of operations, assumed a male identity, and today is happily married to
      a woman.

      "Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews,'" Ezra Pound

    16. 3 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Russell گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (09-27-2012),Mehrbod (09-27-2012),sonixax (09-27-2012)

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      وقتی یه روسپی پیشنهاد سکس میده حرف فرگشتی شما رد میشه. وقتی یه دختر گرم کزاج یه دوست پسر سرد مزاج داشته باشه و دایم از دوست پسرش سکس بخواد دلیل فرگشتی شما رد میشه. وقتی یه دختر تو یه خانواده به دنیا میاد که سکس بد بودن دختر براش تعریف نشه تو بزرگسالی مطمئناً پیشنهاد سکس دادن براش هیچ منعی نخواهد داشت. شما طوری صحبت میکنید انگار تمام دخترای دنیا سرد مزاج و سکس گریز هستند در حالیکه کاملا اشتباه هست
      داستان روسپی و این ها که پول میگیرند اصلا موضوع این بحث نیست و داستانش جداست. در مورد دخترها بگم دخترها زمانی پیشنهاد سکس میدن که در یک رابطه باشن که مدتی ازش گذشته و باعث دلبستگی دختر شده. وقتی این رابطه در خطر باشه و مثلاپسر داره ترکشون میکنه. تنها دلیلش هم نگه داشتن پسره. با این کار فقط سعی میکنن پسر رو به رابطه پایبند کنن و قسمت بدش (یا به عبارتی دروغش!) اینه که در صورت موندن پسر دوباره سرد مزاج میشن و دوباره همون آش و همون کاسه.(که به نظر من این خودش یک جور دروغه) پیشنهاد سکس دادن یک اخلاق و روال در دخترها نیست. دخترها ازش بعنوان ابزار استفاده میکنن. دخترها برای نگه داشتن یک رابطه ابزارهای زیاد و متنوعی دارند که این یک موردش بود. پسرها هم برای شروع رابطه ابزارهایی دارند که دروغ و چاخان پاخان از مهم ترین هاشه!
      Mehrbod این را پسندید.
      انسان پیشرو با جامعه همخوانی ندارد هم آهنگی دارد

    18. 4 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Reactor گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (09-27-2012),Rationalist (09-28-2012),Russell (09-27-2012),sonixax (09-27-2012)

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      البته این متن برای قبل از 2004 که این بنده اسپاگتی خودکشی کرده و "happily married" هم همچین نبوده
      ویرایش از سوی Russell : 09-28-2012 در ساعت 12:16 AM

      "Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews,'" Ezra Pound

    20. 2 کاربر برای این پست سودمند از Russell گرامی سپاسگزاری کرده اند:

      Anarchy (09-27-2012),sonixax (09-27-2012)

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