Sexual Competition Causes Jealousy and Envy More to Women than to Men : Physical Wellness : Counsel & Heal
رقابت جنسی میان زنان حسادت و حسرت بیشتری را باعث میشود تا میان مردان:
Sexual competition affects women more than men in raising jealousy and envy in a work environment, according to a recent study.
“Women with a high level of intrasexual competition are more jealous if the rival is more attractive and more envious if the rival is more powerful and dominating. They did not get any results in men, as no rival characteristics that provoke jealousy or envy predicted intrasexual competition,”
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The studied defined jealously as “a threat or loss of success in a relationship due to interference from a rival and implies a loss or threat of loss of what they had” and envy as “a response to another person who has success, skills, or qualities that they desire and involves a lack in comparison to the envied person”.Sexual competition made women feel jealous and envious more so than men. Rival’s social skills, however, provoked both men and women equally.