نوشته اصلی از سوی
Theodor Herzl
نخست اینکه قانونوار اگر در یک شرکت کاری باشد و شما زن باشید, نمیتوانند به شما پول کمتری دربرابر مرد بدهند (اگر بکنند دادگاهی شده و sue میشوند).
خودِ این ادعا که زنها کمتر از مردها پول درمیاورند که دروغ نیست و تبعیض ندارد آخر!
تبعیض زمانی است که زنها در جایگاه یکسان از مردها پول کمتری دربیاورند: یک شرکت در برابر یک کار یکسان, به مرد پول بیشتری از زن بدهد.
چنین چیزی نداریم. درآمد کمتر زنان از کار کردن ایشان در پیشههایی میاید که مزد میانگین (wage) کمتری دارند.
روشنگری بیشتر:
Six Feminist Myths: Myth #2 | Rixstep Learning Curve
The National Mediation Office is the authority with responsibility for wage statistics in the country. According to their report from September 2010, women during 2009 earned 14.8% less than men. That's the total so-called wage disparity and that's for the entire labour force, both public and private employees, both blue collar and white collar workers.
But a disparity in average wages does not mean that women and men are paid differently for the same job. There are a great many factors that explain why the average wage is higher for men. The most important factor is that there are very big differences in choice of career - men more often will choose careers with high salaries and women often choose careers with low salaries. It's important to stress that this is their choice.
But there are further factors that explain the disparity. Some of these are:
Unused daily work time
Number of years experience
Nature of the work
Level of difficulty
Managerial position or not
Level of enthusiasm, flexibility, eagerness to sacrifice, etc.
So there is no basis for any debater to claim to know that the remaining 'inexplicable wage disparity' is caused by discrimination against women.