نوشته اصلی از سوی
مهربد جان تا اونجایی ک این تاپیک رو خوندم بیشتر سر اینکه تکنولوژی بده یا خوبه و از اینجور حرفا بحث شده بود و ندیدم ی راهکاری در مورد این مشکل پیشرفت تکنولوژی در این تاپیک مطرح بشه!
خب راهکار چیه؟ چ باید بکنیم؟
در هر حالتی راهکار انقلاب است.
اگر شما میتوانید به نکتهها و گرفتاریهایِ پرداخته شده پی ببرید, هتّا اگر راهکار را در اصلاح ببینید همچنان یک انقلاب
سفت و سخت گزینهای درست و بمانند تیپایی به دهن ِ سیستم به شمار میرود که راه اصلاح را نیز هموار میکند.
در این زمینه کازینسکی پیشتر نوشته است:
Even if you believe that adequate reforms are possible, you should still favor the creation of an effective revolutionary movement. It's clear that the necessary reforms-if such are possible-are not currently being carried out. Often the system needs a hard kick in the pants to get it started on necessary reforms, and a revolutionary movement can provide that kick in the pants.
Further, if it is an error to attempt revolution-that is, if adequate reforms are possible-then the error should be self-correcting: As soon as the system has carried through the necessary reforms, the revolutionary movement will no longer have a valid cause, so it will lose support and peter out.
For example, in the U.S. during the early part of the 20th century, insufficient attention was paid to the problems of the working class. Labor violence ensued and provided the kick in the pants necessary to get the government to pay attention to the problems. Because adequate reforms were carried through, the violence died down;(139) this in contrast to what happened in Russia, where the Tsarist regime's stubborn resistance to reform led to revolution.
~ Technological Slavery, p. 321