امروز داشتم در مورد انواع tremor میخوندم..یکی از انواع شایع اون essential tremor هست که ظاهرا ارثی هست.به نکته جالبی رسیدم:
Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder.
Automsomal dominant
Often begins in early adult life,even adolescence
Usually begins with a slight tremor in both hands
May involve head(titubation),chin and tongue and rarely trunk and legs
Interferes with writing,handling cups of tea and spoon
Tremor most marked when arms held out
Tremor exacerbates by anxiety
May affect speech if involves bulbar musculature
Relieved by alcohol
Modest alcohol intake is very effective.A standard drink of alcohol often alleviates the tremor.Larger doses of alcohol have no additional effect.
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